July 2021 camp jeremy

July 2021 Summer Recording Camp

July 22, 2021In Featured, CampsBy Lucy Walsh These 12 high school students just spent three days tracking, mixing, and learning on some of the best…

camper with mic

June 2021 Summer Recording Camp

The future of the music industry was right here, folks! Some of the coolest and most talented high schoolers from across the country traveled to…

playing guitar

August 2020 Summer Recording Camp

Let's make a record!They came from both coasts and everywhere in between to learn how to record a song. Six music-loving teens joined us August 5-7,…

Summer camp

July 2020 Recording Camp Wrap-up

Campers ‘Come Together’ at The Blackbird Academy Forget the canoeing and the campfires – THEY WANT TO ROCK! And, rock these campers did with some of…

Summer Studio Engineering Camp Review

This letter from one of our attendees says it better than we ever could.