LIVE SOUND QUIZ ANSWERSThe correct answers are highlighted in red.   1. Latency refers to: a- potential voltage of the system b- a time delay…

Dave Natale

A visit with legendary mixer Dave Natale

Legendary Front of House Mixer Dave Natale spent a week in April 2021 with The Blackbird Academy students. As one of the most influential and…


The Blackbird Academy: A Crash Course

The Blackbird Academy: A Crash CourseSo, you might be dreaming of playing a part in the moment of sheer electricity that happens when a vocalist hits…

Mix Magazine


Our Institutional Director and President, John McBride, is featured in this month’s issue of “Mix” (December 2017).  Some great insight here on live…


Fundamentals of Live Mixing

The name of the game is sound reinforcement. When it comes to successful and great-sounding live mixes, it is important to remember that the name of…

what a day in the classroom is like

A Day in the ‘Classroom’

October 3, 2016In Live, At Blackbird, StudioBy Carma DiCianniWatch these videos to check out what a day in The Blackbird Academy classroom is really…

live sound

Mixing Vocals in a Live Setting

The human voice, as an instrument, is probably the oldest, most dynamic, and sonically diverse sound source in existence. In terms of sound…

get a job in live sound

How to Get a Job in Live Sound

Okay, let’s say audio engineering has been your passion for years, and you know you want to take it to a professional level. The only issue is, the…