George Massenburg

George Massenburg: A Guest Lecture in Studio C

Since its founding, Blackbird Studio has sought to be of Nashville’s most technologically unique audio institutions. One of the minds behind…

Mix Magazine


Our Institutional Director and President, John McBride, is featured in this month’s issue of “Mix” (December 2017).  Some great insight here on live…

Not Your Average Field Trips

Along with receiving an exceptional audio education, The Blackbird Academy students are offered the opportunity to partake in trips to two of…

Ultimate Ears

Ultimate Ears Partnership

As part of their educational experience, all students enrolled in the Live Sound Program at The Blackbird Academy now receive custom-fit Ultimate…


Fundamentals of Live Mixing

The name of the game is sound reinforcement. When it comes to successful and great-sounding live mixes, it is important to remember that the name of…